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Category Archives: Biology

Fossil Hunting

I’m not talking about a new Zooniverse project. We actually went on a search for (pre)dinosaur fossils last month! That’s what I’m doing here: My boyfriend Steven and one of his best friends, Roel, went to this quarry in Winterswijk before. You have to sign in with the Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging and you have to […]

I have a bug

Several, actually. After my recent visit to Amsterdam, I travelled on to Zwolle, where I’m still studying biology too. One of the teachers was clearing out a cupboard this Saturday afternoon and he found a couple of bugs. Collected by a student back in the nineties (according to her notes – I think it was […]

Got my P.

I am quite proud of this. The ‘P’ being the propaedeutic diploma of the biology course I’m doing (next to my full time day job as a teacher and all the citizen science ambassador stuff). It’s only an expensive piece of paper which says you’ve finished the first year of the education, so it doesn’t […]

Snapshot Serengeti

“Nááááánts ingonyamááá…” I always loved the Lion King and that Circle of Life intro is probably the best start to a film ever, if you ask me. That line they keep singing means so much as ‘here comes a lion’, I’ve been told, and there are a few lions coming your way indeed. A couple […]

Buzzzy Be

This is another I-am-still-living-the-life-of-three-people update. But I’m also enjoying it as much as three people together would, so it’s still great to be a teacher, a student, an ambassador and have a social life as well.   I’m all settled again at school and new classes are finding out about my ‘discovery fame’. A new […]