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Monthly Archives: February 2013

Pecha Kucha Heerlen made the local newspaper!

‘An evening of inspiration’. That sounds like Pecha Kucha indeed. I found this article from Dagblad De Limburger / Limburgs Dagblad on Facebook (of all places), after a colleague had told me he had seen my name mentioned as the presenter of this event. Good stuff.  Bookmark It Hide Sites


Last Tuesday was a mad day. I even asked on twitter if anybody could clone me as I had to be in four different places at the same time. So at the end of it, I was happy to be home. Then I got an e-mail from the organisers of Pecha Kucha (the event I […]

The Show Must Go On

I could see a glimpse of the front row from where I was standing. Helen Keen was telling the audience in Leicester Square Theatre how unique my story is and I noticed one of the other speakers walking up and down the hallway, going over their segment. I felt the warmth of the spotlights, but […]

Discussing Citizen Science In The Pub

After the recent interview for De Volkskrant, I learned about Kenniscafé (knowledge cafe). This, because I was invited – on twitter – to join a couple of scientists discussing citizen science in De Balie, in Amsterdam. It’s a great platform, I was a fan instantly. And of course I couldn’t say no to a discussion […]

Hart van Nederland II

As promised here!   Source: Hart van Nederland.  Bookmark It Hide Sites