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Monthly Archives: December 2013

Fossil Hunting

I’m not talking about a new Zooniverse project. We actually went on a search for (pre)dinosaur fossils last month! That’s what I’m doing here: My boyfriend Steven and one of his best friends, Roel, went to this quarry in Winterswijk before. You have to sign in with the Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging and you have to […]

‘Woudschoten Natuurkunde Didactiek’ conference

A few weeks ago I was asked to represent the Zooniverse projects at a conference for a couple of hundred physics teachers (how cool)! So I spoke to the Zoo team and I learned more about Zoo Teach: “Where educators can share high quality lesson plans & resources that complement the Zooniverse citizen science projects.” […]

So this is Christmas…

I hope you had a lovely time!     We did. It was the first Christmas with the boyfriend and we lived our motto: enjoying life. I even got that phrase on a necklace and I now have Bri’s latest CD! I also got cards from my students and in preparations, I labelled my little […]

Saint Nicholas 2013

Hello December! And hello dear people who are still reading my stories on here. It’s been a while again, but I trust you’re all busy too with the upcoming holidays and life in general. We only have a few school days left for this calendar year and meanwhile we’ve started preparing for Christmas (in a […]