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Monthly Archives: May 2014

The story of Hanny’s Voorwerp for The Huffington Post

I was asked recently to (re)write my story for The Huffington Post. They translated it to German, which looks like this: “Wie ich in meinem Wohnzimmer berühmt wurde”. Below you can read the English version.  It was an evening in the summer break, August 2007. I was sitting at my desk and – as a […]

Space recipes competition

Remember I was asked to be a jury member for this space recipes competition? Although I’d still love to do this, I am probably working on the day of the announcement of the winners. So I thought, if I’m not judging any recipes, then why not give this as an assignment to my own students? […]

“Working Together Apart”

A while ago I was asked permission to use a photo from my website for a new book. The photographer with whom I put them in touch gave permission too and we were both sent a copy. The book, written by Olsen & Olsen, is about the collaboration over the internet, which I – as […]