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Frequent readers of this place know I’ve used this platform a couple of times before to raise awareness on important issues (other than astronomy, biology, education, music, photography and life). I’ve also been tweeting, with Dr. Brian May, about the welfare of wildlife and although I’m sure most of you know about the situation British badgers are in, I thought I’d mention that these beautiful creatures still need us to fight for them. And for what is right.

Killing innocent animals, even though science is on their side, is just horribly stupid. (In short, the government still wants to get rid of most of the badgers because some people just like to blame them for the spread of a cow’s disease for which there is a vaccine!) I often feel frustrated by the powerlessness, but I think it helps to spread the word. Especially since I’m not in the UK, but I know many of my readers are. So I’d like to say thanks again to those who’ve already signed the petition against this madness and I’d like to point out that you can keep track of what is happening next on Brian’s Soapbox.

There will always be something to fight for and I support several other initiatives to make the world a little better. I’m mentioning this particular group of people – Team Badger – now, because of the time pressure and the utter ridiculousness of the situation. Especially since there already is a solution! I’m a glass-full kind of girl (the other half is air) and I hope common sense will eventually win. But until then I want to do what I can. Even if it’s just as little as wearing this badge. You can get your own on the SAVE ME website.

One Comment

  1. John Fairweather | Posted November 3, 2012 at 5:22 pm | Permalink

    Ah, how sweet.


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