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Discussing Citizen Science In The Pub

After the recent interview for De Volkskrant, I learned about Kenniscafé (knowledge cafe). This, because I was invited – on twitter – to join a couple of scientists discussing citizen science in De Balie, in Amsterdam. It’s a great platform, I was a fan instantly. And of course I couldn’t say no to a discussion on this subject as the unofficial “Queen of Citizen Science”. I would also finally meet some twitter friends in real life, one of whom was Maarten Keulemans. He wrote a brilliant column on citizen science (and casually mentioned I ended up dating a British astronomer for a while, but that aside).

He read his column aloud on stage, right before they showed an old TV interview with yours truly. Then I was introduced to the audience. All of this was recorded and on the video below you can hear Martijn van Calmthout asking me about how I discovered Hanny’s Voorwerp, if Brian May knows I found Galaxy Zoo through him (I don’t think he was expecting a ‘yes’ to that) and – one of my favourite questions – how the real scientists are treating me. I also mention the social side of it, how science is shared in the community and how much fun it is to meet up with fellow Zooites.

I knew from talking to some lovely people before the show, that there was plenty of good stuff to follow, but – as this was a rather spontaneous visit – I had to dash off to get a train back all the way to Heerlen, as I was working again the day after. It was a great evening though! You can see the video of the whole program on the organisers’ website, but below is also the piece with my interview.



  1. Els | Posted February 27, 2013 at 10:35 pm | Permalink

    Hey, wat leuk ! ;-)

  2. Hanny | Posted February 27, 2013 at 11:30 pm | Permalink

    :D Dankje Els x

2 Trackbacks

  1. By Hanny in Kenniscafé Amsterdam | Astroblogs on March 2, 2013 at 10:34 am

    [...] Hanny’s Voorwerp. Gerelateerde [...]

  2. [...] Keen’s Spacetacular! in London. 4. Presenting (!) Pecha Kucha in Royal Theatres in Heerlen. 5. Being interviewed on stage at Kenniscafé De Balie in Amsterdam. 6. All the interviews I did this year for printed [...]


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