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Happy something…

Even though this must be what it feels like when one’s been run over by a truck, and I wish someone could make the lemonade for me now, I did have a nice birthday. It’s okay really, that J and I had said goodbye on this very same day and I would’ve missed her just as much if that had happened on any other day. Also, what better way is there of distracting from the sads, with family around you playing around? I mean, put my four-year-old cousin Valesca in a room with a balloon and everyone has fun. It was my last twenty-something birthday and so we decorated the cake with 29 candles. You really do only live once and when life gives you lemons, the show must go on and all that. I have a few very busy weeks coming up too, so I’d just like to add a huge thanks to everyone for the support and the wishes. Life’s been good to me so far.

Cousin-group-hug. The tall guy is Randy, Valesca’s 17-year-old big brother. Best medicine.

My aunt Joke (lighting the candles), her daughter Valesca (ready to help blow the candles), the birthday girl and Anja, dear friend (and Joke’s twin sister). Silliness is good.

One Comment

  1. Graham | Posted June 2, 2012 at 2:34 pm | Permalink

    I’m glad you all had a nice time ;)


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