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Monthly Archives: October 2010

In Motovun

I never really did holidays like this, but I could certainly get ‘used’ to them. I was very aware of the fact that the concept of time seemed to change here and now and I appreciated the peaceful easy feeling it gave me. Robin has a talent of finding his way everywhere, though with my […]

Through Slovenia

After two days well spent in Italy’s Venice, we were travelling to Croatia on Tuesday – through Slovenia. We’d hired a car and aimed for the little town of Motovun more specifically, where Robin owns a house. He’s actually thinking of selling the place and wanted to go there on a holiday one last time. […]

From Venice

It’s a small World. They say. And one thing always leads to another. Participating in a science conference in London lead me to Italy and Croatia last week. Or actually, the guy I met there did. Robin is a writer and he was interested in my story. So even though he’s from Denmark, he visited […]

Leaving the falling leafs

This is another before-the-holiday-blog-with-some-stuff. The ‘stuff’ to go with it, is this season’s pictures and a song. If you visit my site regularly, you might know I love taking pictures, but I’m not so good at dragging around a proper camera. So the hobby here is to shoot pretty angles with a mobile phone one […]

Interview with the Voorwerp

I never kept a proper diary. And I never really thought of myself as a writer. But, I’m creative and I love communicating and languages and I guess I’ve had some practice by now. Still, I’d never thought I’d be asked to write for real magazines…   But a while ago, a couple of them […]