Voorwerp discovery Public appearances Astronomy adventures Everyday life Comic book Voorwerp discovery Public appearances Astronomy adventures Everyday life Comic book



Did I mention it’s pretty cool to be part of the astronomy community? Last year, while I was over in London for the She Is An Astronomer conference, I was asked to write an article for one of the best astronomy magazines: Astronomy Now. And the March issue with that article in it is out now.

The reason it took a while, was the fact my article would be accompanied by the Hubble picture of my Voorwerp and we only presented that in Seattle a few weeks ago. But now it’s in the magazine as well, together with a few words of yours truly. Can I say I think it’s rather nice I get to do this?

Meanwhile it’s this time of year again and as a teacher I currently have the carnival holiday week off. As a student you never have time off though, but I did go out with my colleagues the Friday night. Besides that I’m also busy planning some lectures and this place needs some spring cleaning too. Anyway, enjoy your days in the Sun. Ladeeda.

One Comment

  1. Tommy | Posted March 9, 2011 at 10:46 pm | Permalink

    Yes it is pretty cool to be part of the astronomy community and pretty cool to have a friend like you. This is a great article, you bring the Voorwerp to life in a way that everyone can understand. x


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