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Yeah, Carpe Diem

The other night, I was at a cold station somewhere in the middle of everywhere, on my own, and I was just thinking how life is good. Time is still flying by way too fast though and I probably will never get it. In fact, 2012, where are you running off to? There’s only a few days left of this year’s autumn, as winter and that time of Wham!-sweaters, Band Aid songs, needles all over the floor and untangling little lights is coming.

As I was sitting on the train, I saw other commuters try to stay warm and I thought to try and capture that moment through the window. It’s not a perfect picture, but I still loved it. As I’ve mentioned, I recently gave two Pecha Pucha presentations (of which I’ll post some videos soon too) and one of the other presenters actually used this picture of mine! This, to demonstrate that a good picture doesn’t always need to be technically perfect. I like this.

So yeah, still enjoying the ride daily. Even though I’m insanely busy, like probably almost every other teacher this time of year. Also, and this is a bit scary to admit, I will have to hand in a final report for my biology course at the end of this calendar year. If I pass, I’ll get my propaedeutic degree. If I don’t, they’ll not let me go on with it. I never had to worry about deadlines, but I think I’m doing rather well combining the full-time course with the full-time job, so no need to keep your fingers crossed. But thanks again, dear patient friends, for all the support.

So consider this just another update. And just another reminder to enjoy your days too, wherever you are, warming your hands to a (paper) cup of tea. Hey 2013, wait for me!


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