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Monthly Archives: April 2013

The article in the Limburgs Dagblad

And here it is! My good friend Richard brought me a copy this afternoon (and after a small computer disaster I managed to get this picture on here). Have a nice rest of the weekend dear people out there! (Click to enlarge).  Bookmark It Hide Sites

The photo-shoot for Limburgs Dagblad

As mentioned in my calendar, I recently did an interview for the Limburgs Dagblad (a local newspaper). I was asked about what my life’s been like after five years of discovering Hanny’s Voorwerp. Many nice memories and anecdotes came to mind.  I have met some of the most awesome people in the world, but I […]

Cómo Ves

My story also recently appeared in a Mexican magazine, called Cómo Ves. It’s an article on the ‘thrill of science’. Look what a cute drawing they made of me (and I have a certain famous guitarist on a poster now)! The pdf was sent to me, but you can read the whole article online as […]

Citizen Science – paper by Duke, M. (2012).

As I was just catching up on some things on this lovely Sunday morning, I found this paper in my mailbox. It’s from October last year and both Chris and I were quoted in it. I thought you’d find it interesting, as it’s on Citizen Science. You can download the pdf from the Digital Curation […]


In MARCH I met-up with three Galaxy Zoo friends on three different occasions. Geoff visited me in Maastricht, Els joined me to the Belgian TV studios and I saw Graham at Patrick Moore’s remembrance in Selsey. Selsey beach on the first spring day of the year! And watching the balloons with Brian, Tim, Paul and […]